Gosh, you have your hands full.

I get this comment all the time. From the older man in the grocery store aisle, to the librarian at the library or the cashier at check out. 

And to tell the truth, with three little boys, yes, my hands are full, and actually overflowing.

I don’t know how to respond to this comment. Should I say,

“Yes, they sure are,” and give a sweet smile?


“They freakin’ are. Care to lend me a hand?” Ouch, maybe too harsh. 

Maybe something more sentimental?

“Yes, they are, but in 18 short years these hands will be empty.” Well, 18 years feels like an eternity at this stage of motherhood. 

How about a more clique response?

“Full hands, full heart.” Nope, that’s not really how I’m feeling as I frantically drag my boys to the grocery store, tackling another week’s shopping list, praying to avoid a meltdown over why we can’t get the sugary cereal, all while still trying to appear in control.

What I really want to say is, “Do they really look that full? Because right now my children aren’t laying on the ground or screaming down the aisle so I thought I might actually look in control.”

Most of the time I just smile and go on my way, knowing that how I appear on the outside is quite different from the millions of ping ponging thoughts racing through my brain.

I will come up with the perfect response one day. Maybe when my boys are older. Maybe when I’ve grown a little more confident in my mothering-in-public skills or I just don’t care what other people think. But for now, a courtesy smile will be my go-to response. 

The next time you are out and about and you see a mom  frantically scrambling to fill her cart, turn to her and say, “Good job, mom,” because that might just be the one thing she needed to hear to get her through an already trying day.