The last day of school can be just as exciting for parents as it is for kids. It marks the end of packing lunches, rushing out of the house in the morning, and nagging kids to finish homework. As a former classroom teacher, the last day of school was better than Christmas. Why not make the official end of school a special holiday for both you and your kids?
Here’s how we celebrate the last day of school.
Donuts in the morning

We don’t get donuts that often so when we do, my boys know it’s a special day.
The obligatory “Last Day of School” Picture
Don’t leave the house without snapping a picture with your last day of school sign. You can use a letter board or our printable sign.

You can find a printable version of each grade level at the end of this post.
Some of our Favorite Letter Board Quotes for the Last Day of School
Good Bye 1st grade, Hello Summer
Last day of 1st grade 2021-2022
See ya, 1st Grade!
Adios 1st Grade, Hola Summer
No more pencils, no more books, no more teachers dirty looks
School’s out for summer!
School is Out, Scream and Shout

Summer Song Playlist
Find a summer playlist and rock out in the car while driving through the pickup line for the last time. Our favorite song is “School’s Out” by Alice Cooper and we will probably listen to it on repeat the rest of the week.

Special Lunch
The last day of school is usually a half day so I treat my boys to lunch. Remember that the rest of the city will be getting out too so be ready for crowds if you plan to eat in. Hitting up a drive-through and having a picnic at the park can be really special.

Root Beer Floats
Nothing says summer more than root beer floats? After dinner, break out the vanilla ice cream and root beer and enjoy a summertime float.

Movie Night
We always kick off the last day of school with a special showing of our favorite summer movie, Sandlot. It is an unofficial rule in our house that this movie is reserved for the summer months only. My boys probably watch it at least 10 times between June and September but I don’t mind. It’s a classic and puts us in the perfect summer mood.

That’s a wrap on another school year!
Have a fabulous summer!

Download our “Last Day of School” signs
Love this! Love last day playlist! Can’t wait to do it!