Dear Future Mama,

Do you ever wish you could go back to your new mama self and whisper some words of advice to her. I know for a fact that if I could do it all over again, I would have been more gentle and forgiving on myself. I decided to write her a letter filled with the wisdom and truths that I have picked up over the past eight year.

Dear Future Mama,

Motherhood is wonderful. Yes, that is true, but I do want to let you in on a few little truths that no one warned me about before I became a mom. Please don’t let these scare you, just tuck them away and pull them out as needed.

Truth #1: You and your baby will BOTH leave the hospital in diapers. You will be wearing what I liked to call “fishnet granny panties.” Don’t worry though, you will soon get your sexy back, I promise!

Truth #2: You are going to gain a new appreciation for dairy cows. Be prepared to leak milk at the most inconvenient times. Count on it happening when you are in public. 

Truth #3: Sucking boogers out of another human’s nose is actually going to be very satisfying! I know it sounds gross now, but just you wait!

Truth #4: Getting four hours of sleep is actually going to feel wonderful. It might not sound like a lot right now, but in those early newborn days, count this as a win.

Truth #5: The first few times you try to have sex after delivering your baby will probably feel like the first time all over again. Having a baby attached to your body all day will make getting in the mood next to impossible but trust me, this won’t last forever (insert wink emogi).

Truth #6: Potty training is messy! If the book says it will take three days, toss that one out the window. There will be accidents, and probably lots of them, but your child will not go off to college in diapers, so give yourself grace.

Truth #7: Forget all those cute baby clothes because your baby will either spit-up or have a blowout the minute you put them on. And while we are talking baby clothes, get the ones without snaps. Zippers will be your best friends at 1:00 am. 

Truth #8: For the next 18 years, you won’t be able to have nice things. DON’T buy the white couch!!! No matter how much you try, your kids will draw on, break or somehow manage to leave teeth marks on every nice piece of furniture you own.

Truth #9: These questions will make their way into your Google search; “Is my baby’s head too big?” “Is my baby’s head too small?” “Is my baby gaining enough weight?” “Did my baby gain too much weight?” “Why isn’t my child speaking?” “Is my child speaking too much?”  Let me save you the search…your child is just fine!

Truth #10: Despite all of these ugly truths, you are going to learn to love this human more than life itself. You will get peed on, shed countless tears, feel so tired it hurts, and your patience will be tested to levels you can’t even begin to fathom, but all that will fade away when your baby first smiles at you or when your toddler runs up and gives you a hug. Don’t give up mama, because the real truth is, your best is more than enough!

Katie (mama of three)

What advice would you give future mama self? Leave me a comment with some words to her.