Easy Christmas Treats

I love making holiday themed treats and these Christmas snacks were so fun to put together. Every ingredient can be bought at the grocery store and my kids devoured each one. The make the perfect platter for any holiday party too!

Marshmallow Snowflakes

What you will need:

Small Marshmallows
Large Marshmallows

Take 8 toothpicks and add 2 small marshmallows to the ends.

Take one large marshmallow and add four toothpicks to the corners and then four toothpicks in between the corners.

Celery Reindeer Snacks

These are super easy and make a healthy snack too!

What you will need:

peanut butter (or any nut butter)
candy eyeballs (or mini chocolate chips) I found the eyes in the baking aisle of our local grocery store
Red M&Ms

reindeer snacks

Grinch Kabobs

These are pretty self explanatory. All you need are toothpicks, mini marshmallows, strawberry ends, bananas and grapes. Stick them on a toothpick and display them on a plate for this fun and festive treat. NOTE: My four year old finished off an entire plate of these but I didn’t feel bad at all because they are mostly fruit!

Tip: the bananas we used were pretty large so after cutting the rounds, I then cut them in half to make semi-circles. They fit better this way and laid flatter on the plate.

What You Will Need:

Mini Marshmallows

Reindeer Cracker Snacks

These are soooo cute and make the perfect Christmas Party snack!

What you will need:

Ritz Crackers
Peanut Butter (or any nut butter)
Candy Eyeballs (I found them in the baking aisle) or mini chocolate chips
Red M&Ms

Marshmallow Snowmen

What You Will Need:

Toothpicks (2 per snowman)
Hershey Kiss
Mini M&Ms
Pull Apart Licorice
Black gel icing

I stuck one toothpick through the top and one through the bottom to hold the marshmallows together.

The store bought icing made the perfect glue to hold the mini M&M buttons.

I cut a small horizontal slot in the head and put in a red mini M&M for the nose.

Pretzel Presents

What You Will Need:

Square pretzels
Red and Green M&Ms
Hershey’s Hugs

Place the square pretzels on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper.

Add one Hershey Hug to each pretzel. Melt them in the over at 200 degrees for about 4-5 minutes until they are soft enough to press an M&M into.

Cover each pretzel with an M&M pressing them down gently. Place the sheet in the refrigerator or freezer to chill.

Store them in an air tight container.

Rice Crispy Trees and Rice Crispy Wreaths

These turned out so fun. I followed the recipe on the Rice Crispy box but added green food coloring to the melted marshmallows. I thin formed the treats into wreaths and trees and decorated them with mini M&Ms, icing and licorice strings.

Tip: before handling the rice crispy treats, spray your hands with oil so it doesn’t stick

Display all your treats on a board and you’ve got yourself a great holiday snack display!

Watch me make all these treats on my How To Video on YouTube