When Life Gives Your Friend Lemons

A few weeks ago I texted a good friend but didn’t hear back from her that day. This isn’t really unusual because as moms we have all been there. You see a text, start typing a reply, get interrupted a million times, forget about hitting send, then remember at 2:00 am that you never responded to the message.

The next day my friend called and told me she had a really hectic day. She was driving home from school pick-up with six kids in her car, when she got a flat tire. Not the kind of flat that just needed a patch, but an “Am I going to make it to the mechanic before I am driving on the rim?” type of flat.

I instantly felt her pain. As moms, we are required to be in charge and keep our cool even when our brain is screaming S.O.S.

The repair on her tire was going to take at least a full day. She was borrowing a car from her parents and after offering to run to the grocery store for her, she said she was, “Managing ok.”

Well, I know that phrase. “I’m ok.” It means that things might be crazy but I am holding it together. It means that I’m exhausted and somewhat overwhelmed but I’m going to be able to feed my kids and get them to bed somehow. It means I am surviving, maybe on empty, but I’m going to make it home.

I wanted to do something to show my friend I was proud of her for holding things together and that she deserved a little pat on the back.

My kids and I whipped up a batch of cookies and swung by the drive-thru Starbucks to pick up her go-to beverage; a grande soy Chai Latte with no water (and a straw).” I printed out this card and left it on her doorstep.

Download courtesy of Burnt Pancakes

This little gesture didn’t repair her tire, but sometimes in motherhood, there’s nothing like knowing that a friend feels your pain and has got your back or at least can swing by the drive-thru Starbucks, Target or the grocery store in a time of need.