I decided to make trail mix for my kids but with Valentine’s day coming up, I wanted to put a little twist on it. I went to the store and bought a bunch of snacks with the color scheme of Valentine’s of red, white and pink. After making it, the mix looked so cute I decided to bag it up, add a Valentine’s note and give it out as gifts.
And if you are wondering how it tastes??? My kids polished off a bowl of it in just three days.
Here’s what we used:
Heart Shaped Cherrios
Mini Pretzels
Mini Marshmallows
Dried Starberries
Yogurt Covered Raisins
White Chocolate Chips
Animal Cookies
Pink and Red M&Ms

I used 1 cup of most ingredients but did 2 cups of the Cherrios and marshmallows.

I used this label to make gifts for friends.

You can get these labels HERE.