We eat pancakes A LOT in our house. They are quick and easy to make (especially when you use a box pancakes mix) and all three of my boys will eat them. I thought it would be fun to make special pancakes for Christmas morning. I did a trial run earlier in December to make sure they would look ok and I think they are going to be a hit on Christmas morning. Check out my Pancake Santa and Pancake Reindeer.
What You Will Need:
Pancake Mix
Whipped Cream
Blueberries or Chocolate Chips (for eyes)
Pancake Santa

Pancake Reindeer
Well, this one turned out more like a Christmas puppy, but my middle son has never cleaned his plate in one sitting before so I call this one a win!

Watch me make them in this video:

What do you think? Would your kids devour these on Christmas morning?