Tips for Potty Training on the Go

Potty training is a big step in every child’s life, but it can be a challenging task, especially when you’re constantly on the go. Whether you’re traveling, running errands, or simply out for a day of fun, potty training on the go requires some extra planning and preparation. In this blog post, we’ll explore seven tips to make potty training a breeze, even when you’re away from home.

1.Be Prepared with Travel Potty Essentials: Invest in a portable travel potty or a foldable potty seat to make potty training on the go more convenient. These compact options can easily fit in your diaper bag or car, ensuring you’re prepared for any potty emergencies. Additionally, pack wipes, lots of extra clothes, and disposable bags for easy cleanup.

Check out my two favorite options for travel potty

one proud toddler

Use code katie10 for 10% off the One Proud Toddler seat.

2. Create a Consistent Routine: Maintaining a consistent potty training routine is essential, even when you’re out and about. Stick to regular bathroom breaks, such as before leaving the house, upon arrival at your destination, and before leaving again. Consistency will help your child associate these times with potty breaks, minimizing accidents.

3. Scout Out Bathroom Facilities: If you’re heading to a new location, take a moment to locate nearby bathroom facilities. Familiarize yourself with the layout of the place, so you can quickly guide your child when nature calls. Many establishments have family or accessible restrooms, which are more spacious and suitable for potty training.

4. Protect the Carseat: Accidents in the car seat will keep a lot of parents from attempting to leave the house. Don’t let this stop you. Try putting down a waterproof carseat liner to save the extra machine washing if an accident happens. Also, when you put your child in their carseat say, “Keep your seat dry,” or “There is no bathroom in the car. Hold your pee until the park.” This just helps to plant that seed.

5. Timing is Key: Consider your child’s usual potty schedule when planning your outings. Try to schedule activities around these times, so you can avoid unexpected accidents. Offer your child the opportunity to use the potty before leaving any location, even if they claim they don’t need to go.

6. Communicate Openly: Encourage your child to communicate their potty needs openly and comfortably. Teach them to use words or signals to let you know when they need to go. This open communication will help you take quick action and prevent accidents, even when you’re in a crowded or noisy environment.

7. Stay Patient and Positive: Potty training can be a bumpy journey, especially when you’re away from home. Kids generally have more success when they are home than when they are out of the house. It’s important to stay patient and maintain a positive attitude throughout the process. Accidents may happen. They are not your fault and no other parent has any right to judge you for that!

8. Where Boys Can Pee: If you have a boy, you know that it is a bit easier to take them on the go. If my boys really had to go, I gave them permission to pee behind a bush. I made it very clear that we only pee on the ground when there was no bathroom around (just so they had a boundary and wouldn’t pee anytime they were outside) and taught them to push their tummies out when they peed to help with aim. You can also tell a boy to am for a leaf or rock.

9. Afraid of Public Bathrooms: Some kids might have some anxiety about public bathrooms. They can be big, loud and unfamiliar. A few tips for tackling this fear is to start with family bathrooms that are smaller and private. You can cover the automatic plusher with a sticky not or wet paper towel. When I first started having my son use public toilets I would say, “I am going to hold you and I won’t let go.”

Potty training on the go may seem daunting, but with the right preparation and mindset, it can be a successful and stress-free experience. By following these seven tips, you can navigate potty training while maintaining your busy lifestyle. Remember, consistency, communication, and a positive attitude are key. Stay patient, and soon enough, your child will master potty training, no matter where you are.

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It's Potty Time - Maverick and Mom

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