We are getting ready to potty train my third son. He is almost two and a half and is showing all the signs of being ready. I pulled out a list of all the things I need to have and am ready to go shopping . If you are wondering what you need to potty train your child, check out this list.
(As an Amazon Affiliate, I may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases at no cost to you. These are all items that we have used and loved, and I feel confident recommending them to you.)
Removable Toilet Seat or Mini Toilet Seat Lid

Little Potty
A little potty is a must! Most kids feel more comfortable on one and is better positioning for going #2. Also, these are super portable and easy to take on the go. Here are my two favorites:

Step stool
Step stools are important because they help promote independence and send the message to your child that they can do this by themselves.

Potty Training Board Books
Reading potty training books to your little one before you even start potty training can be so helpful. For a list of our favorites, click HERE.

Get a sneak peek into our favorites in this video:
Elastic waist-band pants
These will be easier for your little ones to pull down by themselves when they are training. I made the mistake of putting my son in jeans right after he potty trained and it was almost impossible for him to pull them down by himself.
Waterproof Car Seat Liners
I found these disposable, Waterproof Car Seat Liners and they have been a game changer. In the early days of potty training, even a short drive can be nerve wracking. These liners will give you the peace of mind that you won’t be cleaning the seat. Note: most car seat manufacturers will not approve of adding anything to the carseat. See manual for details.

Travel Potty
This is my absolute favorite travel potty. It is compact and has bags that make cleanup super easy. It also doubles as a toilet mini lid too.

I absolutely love this foldable travel lid by One Proud Toddler. We took it on a trip and used it in the hotel and when we were on the go. It is super compact and easy to store. Use code Katie10 for 10% off.

Training Underwear
Training underwear is different than regular underwear and pull-ups. Unlike pull-ups they look and feel like regular underwear, but unlike underwear, they have an added lining build into the center for attend protection for accidents.

Peejamas for Nighttime Training
Like training underwear, these pajamas come with a liner inside so they are more absorbent and the nighttime accident is minimal. Plus, unlike pull-ups, these will help a child feel wet and wake up and will cost less in the long run. Get a pair HERE. Use code Katie10 for 10% off.
Liquids (juice, sports drink etc.)
You will want to be increasing the amount of times your child has to pee so offering more liquids is key to upping your chances.

Shout/Clorox Wipes
Let’s all be really honest here…potty training is messy. There is no way around it. Go into potty training prepared by having your favorite cleaning items on hand.
Water Proof Bed Sheets
When it is time for nap and nighttime training you will definitely want some water proof sheets.

Rewards for your child
I strongly believe that potty training needs lots of positive reinforcements aka rewards. The first reward I always use is verbal praise. This includes high-fives, positive encouragement and even a pee pee dance. But what I know about most kids, they are motivated by candy. If you have a child who is not, you need to tell me your secrets!
For us, having a jar of m&ms or jelly beans always seems to be the best option. I only give 1-2 every time the actually get anything in the toilet so I feel like it isn’t hurting them too much to have sugar. I generally don’t reward them just for trying though.
Some people worry that eating candy will be a habit but I remind them that as the days/weeks go on, the novelty of the candy tends to wear off or the jar is empty and it kind of just goes away. Once my boys seemed to have potty training pretty much down, they didn’t really even need the candy anymore.
Other rewards can include, sticker charts, stamps, or even calling a loved one to share the news.

Treats for mom and dad
Ok, potty training is EXHAUSTING! At the end of a long day, once your little one is asleep, you deserve a reward to. Pour a glass of wine, eat the chocolate, fill up a bubble bath or call up your girl friends for a quick mom’s night. You will need to treat yourself for getting through the long days.
The first few days of potty training will be spent entirely at home so stock up on some fun new activities to try with your child. Here are some of our favorites.
Paint Sticks:

Play Dough Kits:
Our favorites come from an awesome company called Young, Wild and Friedman. Check them out HERE

Kinetic Sand Kits – these have been our favorites

Coffee or Tea Play Set
My son spent hours playing with this coffee set when he got it. It would make a perfect activity to do with your little one when you are potty training because it is a great play activity that you can do together and encourages drinking water!

Products that help with Constipation/Withholding
Withholding and constipation can cause setbacks to potty training. Please reach out to me and your pediatrician for recommendations on how to use these products and help your child with constipation and withholding.

(As an Amazon Associate, I may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you.)

Need more help with Potty Training?
As a certified potty trainer, I love taking the frustration and stress off parent’s shoulders and give them confidence that they will have success with potty training. Check out what I can offer you!

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