How to Make Hamburger Cookies

Hello Burnt Pancake readers!  I am so honored to get to be a guest poster…is that a word/a thing?  Anywho, I am pumped to share here!

Alright, I am not much of a cook.  I really wish I was…I’ve always envied those beautiful mama’s who cook organic meals with butter they have churned themselves and vegetables they grew in their organic garden with their own compost.  My own children have told our pediatrician on multiple occasions that their favorite vegetables are Veggie Straws.  I digress.

Sooooo, I only attempt recipes that have the word easy in the title.  So here are some super cute, super easy hamburger cookies that kiddos (and my husband) love.  They are a perfect for any summer barbecue, super bowl party or other festive occasion!

Hamburger Cookies


Vanilla Wafer Cookies (for the bun)

York Peppermint Patties (for the meat)

Sweetened Coconut (for the lettuce)

Green Food Coloring

Tube Yellow Icing (for the mustard)

Tube Red Icing (for the ketchup)

Sesame Seeds (optional)

Hamburger Cookie Ingredients

Easy Steps:

So first, I put about a cup of shredded coconut in a bowl.  Add a few drops of food coloring.  Mix it up till it looks like lettuce.  Add more food coloring till you get your desired lettuce color.

Dying Coconut Shreds Green
Dying Coconut Shreds Green

Next, I lay out a bunch of Vanilla Wafers face up.  On one group of Vanilla Wafers I add a squeeze of yellow frosting.  On the other group of Vanilla Wafers I add a squeeze of red frosting.  

Red and Yellow icing

Then, I put a York Peppermint Pattie on the “mustard” side of a wafer.  

Top the Pattie with the coconut “lettuce”.  

Finally, put the “ketchup” waffer  on top of the “lettuce” and voila` – a hamburger!  In our house, we call them “am-burgers” with a fancy French accent… feel free to do the same in yours!  🙂

Hamburger Cookies

If you want them extra fancy, (and who doesn’t want extra fancy?) you can put a small drop of water on the top of the burger.  Quickly sprinkle some sesame seeds on top.  Now you have a sesame seed hamburger bun!  So fun!  I hope you enjoy them!

Sesame Seed Hamburger Cookie Buns
Hamburger Cookies

P.S. If you want to freak out your kids you can squeeze the red frosting on your finger and tell them you need to go to the hospital immediately!  Freaking out kiddos is always fun!

Finger with Icing Blood

Watch Meg and I make these cookies: